Downloads :: Programming
As the sample memory download for the FT-991(A) seems to be popular, I am offering further downloads for other models of Yaesu radios. These are examples you can use when programming your FT-991(A), FTM-400XD, or FT2D.
Please note: The VHF and UHF channels in these example files are configured according to the UK band plan. Channel spacing and deviation may be different in your country.
Please see the tips page for details on repeater-shift and the quirks of the ADMS software.
Example set-up for the FT-991 using RT Systems ADMS software (not the free version from Yaesu): Example-Memory.FT991
Example set-up for the FT-991A using RT Systems ADMS software (not the free version from Yaesu): Example-Memory.FT991A
Created with RT version 5.00.22 (or newer)
Example set-up for the FTM-400XD using RT Systems ADMS software (not the free version from Yaesu): Example.FTM400
Here is a memory dump of the channels I have configured. Examples include the ISS cross-band repeater; a number of local airfields; and the Marine VHF frequencies. The CSV export can be imported into RT Systems to modify as you require.
Created with RT version 5.00.50 (or newer)
Example set-up for the FT2D using the ADMS software available from Example.ft2d
The older version of ADMS may require the import from a CSV to get things started. Here is the above file as a CSV: FT2D-example.csv
Downloads :: Schematics
Yaesu FT-757GX
I came across the FT-757GX Technical Supplement for sale on ebay and bought a copy for future reference. I owned one of these radios after gaining my Foundation licence. The CPU gave out and turned it into a boat-anchor. It felt wrong throwing it in the WEEE skip, but it was beyond repair. As the manual was falling apart, I helped it along so I could run it under both an A4 and an A3 scanner. Here is a collection of that manual for download. One is the entire manual scanned at 150 dpi, with the A3 schematics scanned at 600 dpi and added-in after conversion with GNU Image Manipulation Program before being stitched together with pdfunite from the Linux poppler-utils. Also available are the JPEG format scans of the A3 schematics as separate files (and a zip of all of them) for easier usage.
Please note: the paper used for these manuals is quite thin and modern scanners can see right through, so you end up with a ghost image of the next page.
Yaesu FT-767GX
After servicing and repairing two of these radios, I was able to take a copy of most of the schematic diagrams. I do not have the 70 cms transverter module schematic. The schematics offered here were scanned on an A3 scanner (and some on an A4 scanner) at 600 dpi before being cut-out and set to greyscale with GNU Image Manipulation Program.
Please note: the paper used for these manuals is quite thin and modern scanners can see right through, so you end up with a ghost image of the next page.
FT-767GX-Block-Diagram 4.8 MB | |
FT-767GX-Connection-Diagram 5.9 MB | |
FT-767GX-PSU 2.1 MB | |
FT-767GX-Control-Unit 1.9 MB | |
FT-767GX-Local-unit 6.1 MB | |
FT-767GX-IF-unit 7.2 MB | |
FT-767GX-RF-unit.jpg 5.9 MB | |
FT-767GX-Display-Unit 4.6 MB | |
FT-767GX-100W-Block-Diagram 2.2 MB | |
FT-767GX-100W-PA-unit 1.9 MB | |
FT-767GX-Matcher-Unit-Block-Diagram 1.3 MB | |
FT-767GX-Matcher-Unit 4.3 MB | |
FT-767GX-LPF-Unit 1.9 MB | |
FT-767GX-6m-TRV-Main-Unit 3.7 MB | |
FT-767GX-2m-TRV-Main-Unit 4.8 MB | |
FT-767GX-2m-TRV-PLL 1.4 MB | |
Download all of the above 58.6 MB |
Downloads :: Technical Supplements / Service Manuals
FTM-400 DR/DE Technical Supplement 13.8 MB | |
FTM-991 Technical Supplement 44.9 MB | |
DR-1X Technical Supplement 19.5 MB | |
FT-2 DR/DE Technical Supplement 17.8 MB | |
FT-8900R Service Manual 6.5 MB |
Page updated: 22nd January 2023
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